"Obviously, they aren't "born" to cruise bars, dress like women and picket outside churches."
You aren't "born" to dress in any fashion (nor has your manner of dress anything to do with your sexuality). You're not "born" to attend church, either.
"And, there is no "civil right" for things you chose to do."
Yes there is, you fucking moron. In fact that's what the vast majority of them concern. What the hell do you think civil right are, exactly?
"Homosexuals are well-known to be nothing but sullen, angry, fearful and pessimistic because they have given-in to their sinful nature."
Not only is generalization baseless but, what's more, those that are that way are usually that way because of people like you saying the things you say and doing the things your sort encourages people to do to them. You'd probably be pretty angry, scared and pessimistic bout your life if you were surrounded by people who regularly supported laws punishing you for the crime of not being like them while calling... well, things such as what you just did. Not to mention all those "just kill 'em all" fuckwits. Pointing out that you made someone miserable is not proof that they're inherently that way.
"Thanks again, Dr. Brown for leading the battle in this war for civilization itself."
Be glad that this war you perceive doesn't exist because if that idiot were leading your forces you'd have lost before you even knew there was a fight going on.
"If our great country can survive the unprovoked,"
Right. Because there's certainly nothing provocative about being labeled as and accused of every conceivable foul thing under the sun, proclaimed mentally disordered, physically assaulted, in some places punished by law (possibly even executed) for simply existing and just generally treated as less than human.
"relentless attacks by the homosexuals "
Attacking what, exactly? Attacking your attempts to "reeducate" (torture 'til they break) them regarding who they are and/or cage them like dangerous animals? Because calling you an asshole for being an asshole isn't an attack. It's simply noting observable reality. Not that you'd have any sort of familiarity with that sort of thing.