Ronald L #fundie #homophobia

[article by Dr. Michael Brown saying "No One Is Born Gay"

Thank you Michael Brown for bringing some cutting-edge science into this debate.

Clearly, homosexuality is a deliberate and sinful choice. Obviously, they aren't "born" to cruise bars, dress like women and picket outside churches. They have chosen gay activism. And, there is no "civil right" for things you chose to do. And why do they call it "gay"? Homosexuals are well-known to be nothing but sullen, angry, fearful and pessimistic because they have given-in to their sinful nature. I pray, in love, that they will someday share our joy and optimism.

Thanks again, Dr. Brown for leading the battle in this war for civilization itself. If our great country can survive the unprovoked, relentless attacks by the homosexuals it will because you have been such a proactive warrior, even as Christians and politicians have been silent on this issue.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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