Quotes from Sye Ten Bruggencate in [the 2014 Refining Reason] debate:
“Why is it reasonable to believe that God exists? Quite simply, because it’s true that he exists.”
“Premise One: It is reasonable to believe that which is true. Premise Two: It’s true that God exists. Conclusion: Therefore, it’s reasonable to believe that God exists.”
“People sometimes say, ‘You know you’re atheistic towards all those other gods.’ No, I’m not. There are no other gods. I’m not an idolater.”
“Sin is not a matter of how bad you are. It’s a measure of how good you’re not.”
“I don’t do bible studies with non-believers.”
“Logical absolutes reflect the thinking of God.”
(to the entire audience) “Your conscience is on my side. You all know that God exists.”
And those are mere drops in the bucket.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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