misterbean9 #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

Incel Trait: Being Laughed at by Eastern European Immigrants

I went to hospital once and these fucking eastern european scum were laughing at me man, they all looked across and then at eachother and laughed, fucking hell. There were like 7 of them, fucking cunts. I HOPE THEY FUCKING DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE

This ever happen to you inkwells? Maybe I'm an outlier because I have a craniofacial deformity (underbite qutie bad) and look like I have a mild form of crouzons syndrome

which country

United Kingdom

Why didn’t you confront them? You don’t let some scum treat you like that.

Cause I'm high inhib from brain damage and years of bullying

most importantly , are you ethnic ?

No white but I look retarded. 800 years ago I could join teuotnics and rape all of them and murder them, but now what do I do? Allow them to laugh at me?

Were they men or sluts

mixture, looked like a friend or family group. my mother pretended nothing happened and said "they are foreign they laugh at everything." Fucking ignorant cunt. says people dont like me cause i'm not nice too LOL whilst having a betabuxx pay everything for her.

Just fight 1vs10 theory

it was pretty ridiculous, there were A LOT of them despite only one or two of them needing to see the doctor, and you can bet they were ALL taking up the seats.

i am an eastern european and I can prove people in east are fucking savages. music here is only about money and popularity and i was blackpilled before joining this site by seeing that all girls like chad music about having money and bitches. Including religious puritans, everyone loves that kind of music and culture.

Dota taught me this very well



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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