Tres Wright #fundie

[More insanity from the "Are they ready?" Post-Rapture Fanfic]

"Honey, come here and take a look at this. I've been doing Internet searches to try and figure out this craziness, and this "Rapture Ready" web site describes exactly what has happened!! And look, everything they predicted is backed up by Bible passages, it was all foretold! I remember hearing about this site a while back on a radio program I was listening to, they were laughing about these guys as being a couple of crackpots. It sounded pretty outlandish at the time, but it's all in here. All of it! I've been reading through this "Information For Those Left Behind" section and it speaks DIRECTLY to us! It's instructions for us! It also tells us that this is just the beginning, things are going to get much, much worse. Sure we didn't go to church that much, but it says here that church wasn't the way to salvation anyway. This "Second Chance for Salvation" page describes everything we need to do to receive salvation right now! I've printed it out so we can pray together. And if that's not enough, they also have a bulletin board. Take a look at some of these stories in this window! Apparently these were fictional, they were written at the end of '08, but it sounds JUST LIKE what we've been going through! They're in this thread called "Are they ready for this?"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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