The Entire US Electorate Are "Crisis Actors" In The 2016 Election False Flag To get Hillary Clinton Elected.
Yes he is throwing it. There is no way in HELL that you can alienate 90% of the electorate unless it is intentional.
But the fact that Trump is working for the democrats is not the story really.
The real story is how ALL of you are being used as Crisis Actors in this False Flag to get the candidate elected that will continue the Bush era Neo Con agenda that Obama continued as if Bush never left office.
You are looking everywhere for Crisis actors, everywhere except in the mirror. No wonder Bush was laughing and dancing at the executed Policemen's funeral.
He could barely contain his laughter.
Trump is in on it,The democrats are in on it. We are all in on it as Crisis Actors and we don't even know it.
We all must look fucking hilarious.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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