Martin Armstrong #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #racist

[From "Confidence in America is Collapsing"]

My phone has been in meltdown ever since Trump was arrested[…]EVERY phone call I have had from Asia to Europe, they are all expressing complete shock that the United States is collapsing and they are now all seeing that our forecast that the 2024 Presidential Election would be the most corrupt in history and mark the END of democracy in the United States

These leftist people just do not get it, They crossed the line and now the view of the United States from the outside looking in, they no longer believe that America is the beacon of liberty to the world. It is becoming so obvious that our computer will be right again. I warned it even was showing that the 2024 election might not even take place. That was a small 18% probability, but that NEVER came up EVER in this history of running our political models – NEVER![…]
This year, 2023, was a MAJOR Directional Change that was showing up in both the LEFT & the RIGHT databases. The year 2025 is when a president would take office[…]This has been the #1 target on our political models for decades. The NEOCONS are in full control of the government[…]We will never realize the opportunity to reestablish a new form of government post-2032 without the pain and destruction first

During the Reign of Valentinian I and his brother, Valens, who came to power in 364AD[…]serious correlations[…]They too saw their power weakening so they allowed the Goths to cross the Danube and settle within Roman territory provided they would also then serve in the Roman military. This is what is really behind Biden allowing all these people to flood in through the border. What they do not realize, is that history repeats as Biden grants citizenship in return for military service. The Neocons want to build an army to defeat China and Russia simultaneously. Additionally, they assume that all these illegal aliens will vote Democrat so they can decimate the economy of natural-born citizens



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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