John C. Wright #fundie
The institutions of maidenhood, marriage, and motherhood have not escaped the curse of madness. Most obviously, our nation has become psychotic on sexual topics, that is, the consensus opinion has suffered a total break with reality. A measure of this break can be seen in that even fundamental distinctions between male and female are abolished. These include questions of whether men can be brides and marrying other men, or use the women’s locker room in schools, or girls pretending to be boys can join the Boy Scouts.
Anyone who refers to reality, that is, any sane man saying a sane thing, on these topics is shouted down, vilified, demonized, and called phobic, homophobic or transphobic, that is, accused of having a psychopathological fear of homosexuals or transvestites.
The irony is that the insane call the sane insane. And that is insane.
Our nation’s current sexual psychoses spring from decades of neurotic decisions concerning abortion, contraception, and no-fault divorce. The pleasures of the marriage bed, which are quite clearly natural, pleasurable, and joyful, become unnatural when the intimacy of marriage is eroded. Prostitution reduces these sacred and intimate ecstasies to a commodity; Pornography makes the commodity public. Contraception so reduces the moral hazard of fathering a bastard that the merely prudential argument against out of wedlock copulation is muted. And no nation could so divorce itself from nature as to contemplate making it lawful to murder offspring in the womb unless a passion as strong as the sexual drive were behind it.
The oil pipeline was symbolic. It is meant to placate Gaia. The government funding for abortion is symbolic. It is meant to placate Moloch. The riots in the streets when bankers meet is symbolic. It is meant to deflect the cargo planes from the White Man to the Borneo Islanders. The protests by women dressed as their own genitalia is symbolic. It is for Lilith and Hecate. The love of Islamic terrorism in this generation, and the love of Soviet terrorism, mass killings, and orchestrated starvation in the last generation is symbolic. It is for Satan.