J. Edgar Hoover.
Your move.
A good conservative man is straight like Milo Yiannopulous, muscular and attractive like Mitch McConnell, only believes in facts like Alex Jones, respects all women like Matt Forney, doesn't get offended like Tony Perkins, is honest and humble like Donald Trump, knows how to protect himself from danger like Christopher Cantwell, and has manners like Ted Nugent.
Izzat your photo, Tony? What're you doing with all those pretty-boy tattoos?
Alpha male: doesn't post muscle photos on line, and feels no need to brag about himself.
Since the conservative man is clearly religious and likely an American evangelical Christian to boot, he believes in more than "facts". Also, being humble and being dominant are contradictory. Getting all the girls and being a good Christian also tends to run the risk of contradiction.
I have yet to see any conservative man who resembles the guy on the left.
I'm sure you'll find just as much, if not more, crossdressing among right wing majini than the left.
I wouldn't be surprised if that pic did actually come from a gay porn site. Everyone knows that right wingers don't do their homework, & that most right wing morons wish they looked like him. Gay porn, indeed.
Conservative Man:
1. Insecure tries to act manly to compensate.
2. Cowardly, afraid of people different from him.
3. Corrupt and Greedy
4. Overweight, muscular? IDK you cant define a whole group of people by one body type.
5. Thinks he gets all the girls.
6. Born by accident by his two drunk parents in the back of a trailer.
7. Thinks he doesn't get offended yet he thinks his white race is threatened and anyone who challenges his "norms" deeply offends him.
8. likes to say racial expletives and stereotypes.
9. Shot a gun a few times so he thinks he has the training of Green Beret.
10. Hates everyone but himself.
11. Very gullible and fragile.
12. Owns a shitty pick up truck.
13. Hates all women.
14. Has a loud mouth.
15. Loves God and his own definition of America.
Yeah, with that finger in his panties, he's definitely from some porn site.
So, which is this? Looks more like the picture on the RIGHT above...
Is this an Honest and Humble man?
Judging by point 4, my first picture must be the Libtard, while this is the Conservative.
Again, point 7 says that #45 is the Libtard; he spends more time offended on Twitter, than doing actual government job.
Actually, not one single point on your list to the LEFT fits #45. Well, he probably has a "muscle" car, but so does my socialist husband.
Trump's definitely not proud of his own heritage, the way he derides immigrants all the time. His mother and his paternal grandparents were immigrants.
@ Swede
So is his current wife.
1- How do you know that the man on the left (Oh, teh irony!) is a Conservative?
2- How do you know that the man on the left isn't a member of the LGBT community (PROTIP: The Log Cabin Republicans)?
3- How do you know that the man on the left isn't a member of the latter part of LGBT: and actually has XX chromosomes...?!
4- ?????
5- If the above is correct, then your 'God' loves that person more than you . Romans 13:1-5 says so. And there are still heterosexual men who crossdress. Welcome to 21st Century post-Obergefell vs. Hodges America. Enjoy your stay. >:D
Moral: Image Mining: it can be just as argument-annihilating as doing the same for quotes .
There were a few things missing here...
1) ...though, I'm thinking that the man in the photo isn't straight.
2) ...until he's dealing with a strong woman, or someone who has an IQ.
3) ...really! Just ask him, he'll tell you!
4) ...uh huh. Explain Trump.
5) ...just can't keep them for long.
6) ...but doesn't realize that the leaderboard for online first-person shooters doesn't count.
7) ...just don't bring up President Obama or actual facts.
8) ...until it comes from MSNBC or something.
9) ..."run, hide, and cry" usually works.
10) ...until he got the DNA results from Ancestry dot com.
11) ...that come from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Alex Jones.
12) compensate for his micro-penis.
13) ...who agree with anything he says, won't talk back, and never says "Pre-nup".
14) ...just not the good ones.
15) ...and is convinced that he loves the right god, because 'murica.
I think that works better.
I live in rural Arkansas. I am surrounded by conservative people, the most verbal of whom are adult males. I assure everyone who may see this repost I don't believe any of them resemble the stereotype depicted. They tend to be pathetically ignorant low earners, ( that is not always someones fault as this area is grotesquely economically stultified) but this depiction of conservative men as a group is worse than wrong.
Conservative Man:
4. Overweight, muscular? IDK you cant define a whole group of people by one body type.
While not every conservative man is overweight, I can guarantee that A LOT of them are, based upon personal observation. No red-blooded, gun-totin', God-fearing conservative is going to eat salads. Also: Mississippi, arguably the most conservative state in the union, ranks #1 in obesity.
look clown. while some Liberals go to far whiny little bitch is definitely the Conservative Christian male model.
FoxNews hosts, Alex Jones, All your heroes and spiritual leaders, whiny little bitches.
Not viral healthy men, doughy, lazy, stupid drags on society.
All you respect is noise and complaining.
15 points, all lies
I noticed a trend that occurs after Conservative values killings to promote this image of wholesomeness and awesomeity as their image. As of last year I quit connecting the occurances of this propaganda with killings because they are ALWAYS occurring now.
This is their damage control, their pretence of being better while never actually fulfilling those value. Talk, all talk, all pretend, as I said up top: look at their idols, not one of them fits that. I think if you put that list up with 'Meal Team 6' meme images many RWs would have agreed with all the points anyway.
[font=impact]WINGNUT MALES[/font] VS. [font=forte]PROGRESSIVE MEN [/font]
image ----------image
* Machopig. Homophobic. Acts like a chimp with rabies.---* Secure in his manhood. Accepts LGBTAQ. Acts like a gentleman.
* Authoritarian, Overbearing & Coward.---* Egalitarian, Noble & Brave.
* Corrupt & Greedy.---* Honest & Humble.
* Sloppy, ugly, has bad skin and smells like barf.---* Cares about his health but doesn't judge those who don't.
* Needs to manipulate and abuse to keep a gal.---* Doesn't give a damn about silly,antiquated Gender/Sex roles/expression.
* Born a loser and a tyrant.---* Born a Leader.
* Is offended by everything and everyone.---* Doesn't get offended easily. Only evil & bigotry are offensive.
* Everything he says is Hate Speech. Censors opponents.---* Respects Free Speech, even for people he disagrees with (but will call out bigot's crap).
* Hides behind his lack of pigment, Bible or gun for cover.---* Violence is overrated & only for self-defense, prefers words.
* Thinks his "Heritage" is a great substitute for character.---* Earth & Humanity is his "Heritage".
* Very gullible & fragile.---* Only believes in facts.
* Owns a gas-guzzler that depletes his wallet and pollutes.---* Either prefers a bike, bus, taxi or owns a car with good mileage that's cleaner.
* Sees women only as Maid/Broodmares/Sex Dolls.---* Sees Women & Girls as humans and respects them as leaders and equals.
* Has a loud mouth.---* Has manners.
* Hates everything except Hetero WASP males.---* Judges things and people by their character.
* Is the TRUE BLUE PILL.---* Is the TRUE RED PILL.
@Elie, Newfaceofrev & Thinking Allowed
image image
....I'd love to see the reaction of both the OP using that photo AND the studly Bear-hunk's reaction to his slab-of-sexy pic being used the way the OP's using it.
Let me guess, the model on the left came from one of THOSE sites, and the next bloke on there was in that shirt-lifting pose. Yes I know, always the cute ones...DAMN! However, unlike you conservatives, it's not such a huge deal to me who's straight or not.
Also, what's geckosexual? If it means you want to root Gordon Gecko, I don't know if he swings that way, I know that Michael Douglas doesn't. He only played one of those Eighties yuppies, but Trump wasn't acting back then.
All in all, your measure of a man is out by a country mile.
@Thinking Allowed
Rent Men...I might have known!
When I just saw those two pics, without the lame description, my first thought was the guy
on the left is definitely gay and the other one looks silly. On closer inspection, I'm not
so sure that's not a woman with a shaved head, but so what.
Besides, his ultra hero, DJT, qualifies on the "Libtard" side as #s 2, 3, 1/2 of 4, 7, 8 14.
On Mr. Macho's side, maybe just #2.
Oh, Untony Brownnose, tsk tsk, tsk.
@ Thinking Allowed
Tony most likely did a Google image search of muscular men
I think Tony probably does that a lot.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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