HomoheroBishii #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Curry on IT wants to genocide his own race

The fact that his post isn't sitting in the negatives is more proof cucktears is racist. Talk like this about black men and they'd all go into NPC mode with the downvotes. "Black guys aren't hated due to racism, they're hated because too many of them are thugs!"

By their logic, white guys should also be hated because white dudes have gone around raping foids left and right throughout history. But of course ethnic whores enjoy being colonized by white men so it doesn't count.

This is also why I laugh whenever an ethnic foid is abused by a white guy. No matter how many white or black dudes are racist or abusive, only curries and ricemen are hated by leftists, so might as well enjoy the show. Asian men have the lowest crime rates but are the most evil according to SJWs. Okay. :feelskek:



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