When God gave you the basic sex/gender when you were being formed in the womb, that is what you are. This is the height of lying to oneself and buying into a fabricated fantasy. Gender dysmorphic syndrome is encouraged in our schools and called choice. How sick are our teachers.
Why do men have nipples...?!
Just the answer to that question will blow your fucking mind, Sarah N. Boner.
Schools, in certain states especially, have far bigger problems on their hands than that some pissy god-warrior doesn't like how teachers dare mention the mere existence of people the OP doesn't believe have a right to live.
Schooling in low income areas is a mess, and these poorly educated students won't have a chance at any sort of success in a time where the capacity to access, understand, and use information heavily impacts nearly every area of life. And the jobs they'd have done in the past are either covered by machinery or shipped overseas.
Long before anyone tried to make gender dysphoria a thing, teachers tried to 'fix' lefthandedness. Some places beat kids into writing right-handed, some forced them to hold their hand at outrageous posisions, all to make the letters line up the 'right' way.
But nowhere did anyone actually manage to change handedness, no matter how much society at the time scorned people who were so afflicted.
I find it LUDICROUS to think that anyone could just arbitrarily convince someone they were the wrong sex, when we can't even convince those sinister lefties that they're right handed...
With the greatest respect, Sarah, please punch yourself in the eye a few times since I can't reach you. Then ask yourself why you should be so cruel to people you've never met and who wish you no harm, and have the misfortune of a physical condition that's very hard to explain to the ignorant. How sick are YOU?
I could give dozens of ways that people could be born "different" and they'd probably acknowledge most of them are things which God clearly allows to happen, but mention anything which is invisible or visibly manifests only in behavior and is something they'll never personally experience... sorry, you're a delusional liar who lies to yourself and everyone, repent or it's hell forever.
It's even more fucked up when the difference is treated as a curse meant to punish your parents (or occasionally, ancestors further back), and it's their duty to add to this proxy punishment. Fortunately that's extremely rare nowadays.
Sex vs Gender:
Male: has the reproductive organs to sire children.
Female: has the reproductive organs to bear children.
Male: feels innately as a 'he'.
Female: feels innately as a 'she'.
Most people are either male sex/male gender (cis man) or female sex/female gender (cis woman).
But in some cases, the in-womb sex/gender synchronization process zigs somewhere it's supposed to zag and the result is the birth of a person who is either female sex/male gender (trans man) or male sex/female gender (trans woman).
And then there are people born with both sets of sex organs or with no such organs or [add more here].
FFS, again, gender confusion is not being encouraged in schools. It's just being accepted and no longer being treated like the person is a freak. Same goes for homosexuality. Nobody's being encouraged to be gay, but if a student identifies as gay, then they're not going to be punished for it.
But I guess in fundie land, no condemnation = encouragement.
Chromosomes don't lie. And there are many other biological reasons one could be gender non-binary. How does that even begin to harm you?
@Anon-e-moose ooh! Ooh! I know. Pick me. Pick me. And you're right. The answer is a total mind fuck for the OP.
I don't usually get in on transgender issues because I really don't understand the issue of being confused, never entered my mind or half the population I'm sure. But this confusion, doubt does affect a large percentage of people and needs to be addressed.
What bothers me more are these clowns that take the issue of tolerance in policy and continually exaggerate it into promotion. Nobodies telling your butch footballer boys to put on a skirt and hair ribbons, stop telling other people's girls they HAVE TO. Tolerance IS NOT indoctrination. All I think their trying to do is teach that some girls and boys are different, don't fit into a Davey and goliath cartoon and maybe it's best to not beat the shit out of them.
Now if you're forcing me to be prissy Paul girly-boy's lunch buddy I'd have a problem but otherwise I don't see any reason to teach a blanket hatred on Transgender curious, butch girls (Had a couple of those as friends in public school, mostly because half the boys didn't deal with girls at all and because that's not really unusual in farming cultures) and of course the fabulous.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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