@nolanelle #wingnut #racist gettr.com

WOW! if this a real group-they are very small in memberships. they are misinformed&musguided bc these leftist elitists in that hitel& living in that area&empliyed in their left industry(typically)are doubtful practicing or devout Jews. No,they r committed CommieLEFT who are wedded soldiers,agents for their CommieNWO1WG that does have as its goal
,the total eradication of











& replace it all w/their CommieNWO1WG wherein they actually think they will be in its protected elitist class of that CommiePrty in its totalitarian,
authoritarian,fascist,Fabian&tyrannical hegemony over all the western world plus.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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