godsriddle #fundie evcforum.net

The entire structure for scientificating was built on a single assumption. This assumption was a modification to Aristotle's metaphysics which has its roots in Catholic friars such as Thomas and Scotus. In their efforts to adapt the pagan's system to the Bible, they invented new concepts such as being and essence. When Newton made his operational definition of time and space, he did so mathematically using the notion that the ESSENCE of substance is changeless. No one has ever detected any essence or being. In fact the visible properties of all matter are observed to continue to change throughout cosmic history. Even local clocks that transmitted their precision signals yesterday do not match with clock that emit their clocks frequencies today (the Pioneers).

The horror of empiricism is that they define almost all of their measuring units in a double circle. They actually believe that mass, energy and time exist even though they are utterly undetectable and can only be measured mathematically with other undetectable things circularly. Almost all of them were contrived using the assumption Peter predicted for the false teachers of the last days.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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