Sharing a personal story about the time I was injured from the Gardasil vaccine. This is what set me on my journey to learn more about vaccines and ultimately resulted in me choosing to say no to vaccines for my children.
I know this is a heated topic of debate but I think if you hear this story, you will at least understand why I am so passionate about this particular topic.
Please watch this before adding any negative commentary! Xx
Episode 1: Gardasil and HPV
@Creativerealms #188366
Maybe she did have a bad side effect from gardasil, it does happen so I'm not going to call her a liar.
I agree, but nonetheless I still submitted this quote because Candace is advertising her anti-vax documentary & FSTDT has a pro-vax bias. Has anyone watched it?
All the vaccines that were going I had when I was at school.
Surprisingly un harmed by such decades later, Candarse.
I know this is a heated topic of debate
This is exactly what uncertainty propaganda is about, pretending that it's a legitimate debate and trying to agitate. It's not sensitive because vaccines are dangerous, but because of the overwhelming evidence for their effectiveness at managing epidemics and the impact on society anti-science, anti-health management campaigns have, the harm caused. This means that conspiracy theorists harm society by pushing fear mongering propaganda claiming that vaccination harms. It also is institutional distrust propaganda, something weaponized by fascists for post-truth populism. The latter may include forcing quackery down your throat, something non-effective or even actually harmful. Meanwhile, the actual problem, a viral epidemic, for instance, is not being properly addressed.
Also important here is the fact that it's HPV that is being promoted (HPV vaccines being attacked), because it's a virus that's being used to blame and limit women freedom (addressing the problem increases their freedom and is perceived by patriarchy to "promote immorality" (not promoting subjugation))... I've heard the "sex practices causing cancer" arguments confusing HPV into it. They do the same about abortion. Even contraceptives... I've heard a teacher tell a student caught with a condom: "you'll catch AIDS!" when ironically, condoms when properly used are effective against AIDS transmission, precisely. It's the same old "sex is only for conception" nonsense.
@Anon-e-moose #188382
Vaxxed in school, a big assembly line of shoulders. Nurses had this new-fangled thing, an pneumatic needle.
Vaxxed in boot camp.
Vaxxed again in submarine school.
Vaxxed annually on four subs, two shore duties, and a tender, for 20 years.
Got more damage from when they took blood tests (corpsmen SUCK at finding a vein, i’ve felt the needle hit bone).
I've been vaccinated at pharmacies, doctors' offices, public clinics, and embassies. My mother had to update her smallpox vaccine when she took a trip to the Peruvian jungle in '69. Everybody was required to get the polio vaccine during the Trinidadian epidemic--regardless of their vaccine history. And the police were out checking vaxx cards in public.
I can only imagine the sheer outrage of our grandparents at the anti-vaxx attitudes today. One of our greatest public health successes, and malicious idiots want to throw it away.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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