Edward in PA #racist #wingnut amren.com
RE: Tensions Among Democrats Grow Over Israel as the Left Defends Palestinians
"If you support Black Lives Matter, it was not a difficult leap to saying Palestinian lives matter, too."
This could be all the impetus needed for Jewish voters to kiss the Democratic party goodbye.
I doubt it. The Jewish left is too powerful (and generally atheistic) and the majority Reform element tends to be lib wishy washy.
Most Jews see the writing on the wall. The Democratic Party has been infested to the point of plague with legions of radical leftist/anarchists who hate America, hate Israel, hates Jews, hate the idea of a traditional White, European country in the Western Tradition. And the non-White, White hating component of the "woke" wing is growing all the time.
More and more Jewish people have been giving serious consideration to and appreciation of the right side of the political spectrum -- where they belong. They realize that all their boo-hooing over the plight of Blacks and others has resulted in nothing but contempt and treachery. And that for all the effort expended, the Black man is still firmly entrenched at the bottom of the pile.
We don't have to love our enemies.
My whole life I've never viewed myself as any thing other than a White man. When, later in life, I heard Jew haters with their cockamamie histories and paranoia and their bizarre racial fantasies and concoctions classify us as some lower form of life, I was somewhat taken aback.
I'm half jewish. Blacks and other non-whites always bullied me for being "whites", never the jewish part.
Take heart. In my experience, Blacks are the most hate filled, racist people I've ever met. Their anti-White race hatred is endemic.