various commenters #wingnut #racist
WOW! 1 Million Pro-Life People March in Mexico to Demand End to Abortion
@LifeNews hey! American libs need a tissue! There are God loving people all round the world who follow God's Commandments. God bless pro-lifers
@LifeNews what? There r still people in Mexico? Thought they all crossed the border
@LifeNews Are you sure they're not just heading to our border?
@LifeNews great. More worthless spics to deal with.
@LifeNews Jews support the Baby Holocaust
@LifeNews Mexico doesn't need abortions since they send all of their unwanted children to the US Southern border.
@LifeNews Good to see morality start to return around the world and it gives me hope that the pendulum is starting to return to normal!!
@LifeNews : Que Dios los bendiga. End abortion, stop killing babies. Vote out the party of death (democrats) out of office.