In reply to a LONG running thread about homosexuality this one said this.........
"To me it is also gender-related. Example: female homosexuality is way more natural than homosexualuality in men, and my argument is this... men do not breast feed their sons, but mothers (most) breastfeed their daughters. Now this may seem like a strange argument, but just think about it. The act of breastfeeding is not NECESSARILY a sexual experience or expression, but there is a stimulation of the errogenous zones of the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples during breastfeeding."
"erogenous zones of the baby's mouth"
You're just looking for excuses to get off on the lesbians, dude. It's okay to admit it.
I like watching two girls go at it, so that's good. Two guys is icky, so God doesn't like that.
Amazing how their god hates everything they do.
Incest, pedorastia (only by women), and lesbian porn = goood
Man-hating, femnazi dykes and then the nancy-boys = EVIL
I think I get it.
homosexualuality? You're so obsessed with it, you have to say it twice??
"To me it is also gender-related."
Nobody gives a fuck what your opinion is.
"men do not breast feed their sons"
No shit, Sherlock.
"but mothers (most) breastfeed their daughters."
So the sons are bottle-fed? I bet you feel much better now you pulled this little pearl of wisdom out of your ass.
"The act of breastfeeding is not NECESSARILY a sexual experience or expression, but there is a stimulation of the errogenous zones of the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples during breastfeeding."
Is this idiot trying to say that all baby girls who are breastfed grow up to be lesbians? Is it worth asking if JBT has the data to back this up, I wonder?
BTW, learn how to spell words like 'erogenous'.
Yeah, it's awesome.
Following your stupid logic, sadomasochism is more natural than straight sex(who hasn't slapped in the bottom somebody, not just kids?), exhibitionism too, etc........moreover, children tend to stimulate their anus, think about it. And jokes aside, breastfeeding(coming from a mother who has done that)is not erotic.
@ Thinking Allowed
You god damned Heathen! I damn thee to HELL AND DAMNATION with your pagan shit...
I kid, i kid
people like this need to be offered something so they have to congregate in one area, then bomb the ever loving piss out of that place.
Is this the same as the old obgyn = foreplay argument?
I asked my wife. She says it was hard to imagine a less sexual feeling than breastfeeding. What's the odds JBT is male?
(He's certainly a moronic cunt)
This is why I would NEVER breastfeed in public. Couldn't stand some fucking creepazoid getting off on watching me.
Not saying its wrong, just saying I had an issue with it
From the thread:
"Miss Hesedress, it is better to have homosexual orientation than to be a straight person. Straight people murdered Jesus."
Awesomeness and my new JREF sig:).
(said in deep southern bible belt voice)
"Ok, all you homosexshules, you git on over there. You're all gonna die. You Lesbians, you can live if you let us watch."
"Now this may seem like a strange argument, but just think about it."
Strange would certainly be one way of describing it. I prefer bizarre myself.
"The act of breastfeeding is not NECESSARILY a sexual experience or expression, but there is a stimulation of the errogenous zones of the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples during breastfeeding.""
Have you ever actually asked a woman what breast feeding is like? As I understand it, it's not a wholly enjoyable experience--particularly if the little bugger has teeth.
I was a bottle fed baby and am a woman.
Yet somehow, I still love to look at other woman. Lord how I do.
Is this longing because I was not able to breastfeed as an infant? Would I not be attracted to my own gender if I could have been breastfeed?
of course, for fundies, gay sex is anal sex. None of the other options occur to them, it's just the thought of being VIOLATED by a prick up the bum that terrifies them, and thus repulses them.
For the record, very few women can suck cock as well as a guy - we know how a cock feels.
Clockworkgirl...were you breastfed? Do you find yourself looking at girls, say on the beach?
Lets do some research on this one.
But one of the major Christian arguments against homosexuality is that it cannot produce offspring. So how do you resolve lesbianism vs. male homosexuality since neither results in children? You're saying lesbians are more acceptable than male gays? True Leviticus only says "a man shall not lay with another man as with a woman" but just about anyone can read the above and see that the converse (ie. lesbianism) is true as well for the same reasons.
These people just cannot figure out that consistency in their arguments yields (some) credibility. Of course, as others have pointed out, he's not trying to sway us against homosexuality but rather he wants to justify his own erotic desires for two hot chicks going at it. Yeah, baby!
Oddly enough, every time I hear of one of those sickos who breastfeeds until the kid is five, the kid is always a boy. ALWAYS. I'm not really sure what this has to do with the quote, but I figured I'd throw it out there.
@ Flowerpen
He's saying babies get turned on by breast feeding. This it is natural for men and women to grow up wanting to suck titties, but UNnatural to grow up wanting to suck dick.
Except what he's REALLY saying is that the thought of sucking a breast gives him a chubby, therefore he projects his reaction onto everyone else, including newborns, interpreting the act of breastfeeding as an erotic one.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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