I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Bible writers knew that water consisted of H2O; and if they found a Periodic Table of the Elements in a cave somewhere, that wouldn't surprise me one bit.
They did have a periodic table back then, it had the elements earth, wind, fire, and air.
"I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Bible writers knew that water consisted of H2O; and if they found a Periodic Table of the Elements in a cave somewhere, that wouldn't surprise me one bit."
That's what happens when you live in a fantasy world. Nothing surprises you because absolutely anything is possible.
No, in the days of the Bible, water was just water. It was elemental, indivisible.
They would slaughter me for trying to do electrolysis for them.
And yet, they thought some birds had four legs.
Leviticus 11:20 All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you.
"I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Bible writers knew that water consisted of H2O;"
Well, technically water IS H2O. Is AV1611VET aware of what 'H2O' means?
"... if they found a Periodic Table of the Elements in a cave somewhere, that wouldn't surprise me one bit."
If they found Osama Bin Laden in a cave somewhere, that wouldn't surprise me one bit either, but that doesn't mean he was around in biblical times!
Geez, just believe what would've happened if Christians got found out what Newton was doing in his dorm. Yeah, sure on the outside, nice little university student, likes his bible, especially revelations... Then in the lab... ALCHEMY!!! AHAHAHAHAHA! And then eventually he developed scientific method.
The fact that a periodic table has not been found or mentioned in the Bible and that no other significant scientific discovery has been revealed in the Bible points out the reality that the Bible is the product of a group of primative peoples, ignorant of anything of modern scientific significance. Surely an all-knowing god could have dropped a tidbit of information into "his" writings that would have been incomprehensible to the people of the time but clearly a revelation in light of modern scientific understanding. The absense of such an insight is very telling indeed!
Mrs. Antichrist: "Frankly, I'm surprised that AV1611VET even knows what the periodic table is."
Me, too. Most fundies think a periodic table is a chart that shows Christian Husbands when it's biblically permissive to have sexual relations with their Helpmates® (i.e., when they're not menstruating and only when they're fertile).
I wouldn't be surprised to find nothing but air and snot between the ears of fundamentalist, and find them sitting around in caves masturbating while reading the Bible, that wouldn't surprise me one bit.
This douchebag is right up there with Carico and LoneWolf as the stupidest person on the internets.
The writers of the bible didn't know "H".
The writers of the bible didn't know "O"
The writers of the bible barely knew "2"
"if they found a Periodic Table of the Elements in a cave somewhere, that wouldn't surprise me one bit."
This reminds me of the Far Side with the "Prehistoric Periodic Table" whose only element was "Dirt."
"It's 2H2O, moron.
Hydrogen atoms go in pairs as do Oxygen atoms. "
Wait, wtf are you trying to say? Either way, you're wrong. H2O is representive of a single molecule of water, not 2(H20) or anything of the sort. Science fail? Making fun of people that don't know what you don't know is fun.
Are you thinking of the fact that elemental hydrogen and elemental oxygen are both diatomic? Good, but irrelevant.
Yes, the original comment is stupid to the extreme and makes me angry, but some of the comments that take place on this website are just as fucked up.
Actually, the guy who came up with the periodic table was Russian, hence most likely Russian Orthodox.
Ah, Um, Elements are all made up by members of a satanic cult, and, ah, Satan, and Uh, they are a lie, Intelegent Chemistry is real, elements are a lie.
Let's face it. These people think the answers to EVERYTHING are already in the Bible. Hence their continuous bleatings of "Bible codes", " True understanding of the Bible only coming with absolute belief" and the "secrets of all being revealed only to those that give themselves to Jesus"
The last one being what gives jerks like AV1611VET the confidence to argue on any subject due to a belief they have a divine stream of truth within them.
>> "I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Bible writers knew that water consisted of H2O;" <<
Yeah, you get yerself enough of that there H Twenty stuff, an' ya'll can make yerself all the water ya want out of it.
I wouldn't be surprised if AV thinks the Periodic Table is the one with the newspapers and magazines on it. I see a Jeff Foxworthy joke lurking in here.
“I wouldn't be surprised if some of the Bible writers knew that water consisted of H2O”
This is the same steno pool that thinks only things that life begins with first breath? Thus plants aren’t alive, those writers?
That thinks monochrome goats looking at striped sticks during sex, they have striped babies?
That insist the sky is solid?
THESE geniuses had the table of elements?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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