Saint Germain via James McConnell #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

I am Saint Germain, and I come to be with you at this time, in these special times, these times that you have been awaiting for a long, long time, many, many lifetimes that you have experienced.

All that is a part of this three-dimensional expression for so long now, but this three-dimensional expression, this matrix, if you will, is fading more and more, collapsing upon itself more and more.

So all that was, the lies, and the mis-truths that have been told to all of you for thousands of years is now becoming the truth, or the truth is coming forward.
Because of you, you as an individual and you as the collective that are bringing this all about, you are the ones that are bringing forth the expression of the new republic, but not only of this United States of America, but the new republic for the entire planet, for the world.
But it has to happen somewhere first, and that happens to be the United States of America. For long ago, 200 plus years ago, I stood among the fore fathers of this nation and expressed to them that this would be the republic, this would be the new expression of freedom, freedom for all, not just for one, not just for a few, but for all.
Those that are leading the charge, just as the George Washington led the charge across the Potomac River and confronted those adversaries at that time to bring about the freedom of the nation, so too is that happening again with all of you, and those that are leading the charge ahead, crossing, not the Potomac, but crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

That is where you are all headed now, the Rainbow Bridge of ascension. So allow the process to continue.

Believe, believe, and it shall become a knowing, more and more. Continue to trust, continue to trust in yourselves, continue to trust in those ones that have stepped forth and are leading the charge, and trust in the overall universal plan to bring about world freedom.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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