Martel #fundie
AmerIndians are not White people. In some cases, they were friends to European settlers, that is true, but more often than not they resented our presence here, and let us know this by raping our women, scalping and killing innocent settlers in the dark of night who were only trying to peacefully farm land they had been sold fair and square. Many settlers tried their best to reason with the Indians, but reasoning with an Injun that has had half a glass of beer is an exercise in futility.
I can't really blame them for resenting the presence of Europeans, as I resent the invasion of my own country,what is done is done though, and Native Americans would be wise to chose proper alliances, and the only ones who would ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for native americans is the white man. That is not possible when the US is flooded by Asians, Africans, and Mexicans..