various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

( @CorneliusRye )
I am dying of laughter

( @BarkerCarter )

( @GamerNerdess )

( @DonErnestoFuerte )
@GamerNerdess @CorneliusRye Braver than you by a mile.

( @GamerNerdess )
@DonErnestoFuerte lmmfao I've been calling out the jews for 11 years. I was doxxed by antifa when they first started and called a black panthers member a nigger to his face. You're just naive.


( @Nature_and_Race )
@CorneliusRye -- This has all been a twist that I never saw coming, but I hope it continues go for as long as it must.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- It is a rare opportunity to spread awareness about the JQ. We must take advantage of it as much as possible.


( @F_Kuzmich )
@CorneliusRye Great spreadsheet, however Rupert Murdoch's mother was a jew. This fact continues to be suppressed, making it look like one of the biggest media oligarchs is an Anglo. Rupert's dad married a wealthy aussie jewess.

( @whitewolfheart )
@F_Kuzmich @CorneliusRye West doesn't know everything about the jew, he's just figuring it out. Wait till he finds out it was the jew that ran the slave trade!

( @AntiStar )



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