Various Commenters #wingnut #racist


@Ladinia We do not.

They are both Zionist traitors.

@Ladinia. People who have gotten frustrated at Trump for various reasons forget that he was elected by a huge margin in Nov 2020, but it was stolen from him and us. He should be allowed to serve 4 more years. It would right a terrible wrong.

@Ladinia Trump was in charge of the clot shot. Him and DeSantis are zionist cucks, and bend their knees to the Synagogue of Satan from Revelations.

@Ladinia I want the remaining 2 years of this term to Trump, 4 more years to Trump, and THEN 8 years of DeSantis with Pelosi in prison the entire time!

@Ladinia no thanks America needs christian leaders not zionist puppets


In 12 years we not only could re-shape the United States to be the greatest Christian Patriot nation in the entire world we could reshape the world to be a more peaceful and productive world once we get the Satanical demo-rats and the NWO out of the way

Yep. Trump won 2020 fair & square & deserves another term.


Don't be shocked if Trump gets six more years (2023-2028) when he completes Biden's term starting in late January of next year. The timing is right and the 22nd Amendment accounts for it.

@NonSociopath @Ladinia sovereignty hands over to the UN in Oct. January dreams are no longer relevant

@Ladinia Well I'm split on this one. I would prefer DeSantis as president first (because of his experience as Florida governor), but I would not want Trump being president again (since he supported the "safe and effective" lie about the COVID-19 vaccine).

@johndaviddeoliveira @Ladinia I just want Trump back because it would be fucking hilarious.

@Ladinia We need an antisemite or nothing really changes.



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