Hardly a day goes by when you don’t read about more insane Lefturd stupidity coming out of Sweden. THe Green slime, Mona Sahlin is a prime example of insane stupidity. Perhaps she would enjoy being gang-banged by muzzturds from a dozen different moslem shit-holes & all named Mohammed? All in the interests of diversity & community cohesion of course!
Swedenstan is at the precipice of turning completely into an Islamic state & these Lefturd fucktards are too insanely stupid to see the end game. Following each other like lemmings to their own self-destruction.
The Swedes have one last chance to try & turn the ship around with their elections in September. Miss this opportunity & the Ship of State shall be called the Titanic. And we all know what happened there—
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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