"Atheists are so stupid. You work really hard to discredit Mr. Comfort, but in turn prove his point."
Anyone who points to a human cultivated banana as evidence of "god's creation" because it "fits in your hand" and not only thinks he's right but also incredibly profound has already disproved his own point.
"Go ask individual atheists on their morals. Oh really? What would we ask of Stalin? or of Mao? Or how about Pol Pot?"
Who cares? Atheists do not share a single point of view. This line of reasoning only works if all the members of the group believe, claim to believe or share a similar moral point of view. Which atheists don't. You Christians, on the other hand, do so perhaps we should be asking you what we would ask of some members of your group who have done some horrendous acts.
"Ask any Christian of where the laws and morals come from? If they aren't an idiot they all will say from God."
Which explains your history of violence, hatred and bloodshed. You apparently get your laws and moral from one of the most psychotic characters ever to have been written about.
"Ask atheists, who knows what their answer will be. So many of them will say society or from their own locigal conclusions."
"What if like stalin or mao decide they need to eliminate thier political rivals."
I'm pretty sure that both Stalin and Mao did just that. What of it? They don't speak for me and their actions are no reflection on me as I do not share any political or ideological opinions with them.
You, however, share ideological and dogmatic opinions with some not so nice people throughout history so I don't think you really want to go down this road.
"And to pronounce that you are better or more moral then God is just down right disgusting."
Hannibal Lecter is better and more moral than your god.
"You lie, cheat, steal, covet, commit homosexual crimes (YES CRIMES!), you are adulterers and fornicaters."
Are you railing against these things or are you simply jealous? It's so hard to tell sometimes.
"You also take pleasure in your sins. You justify your sins."
Show sin exists as something outside of some unsupported religious construct.
"Then you accuse God of being immoral."
No need to accuse him. His followers were kind enough to write down all of his supposed actions for us so we have plenty of evidence in favor of that conclusion.
"You disgust me. (SPIT)"
What happened to "love thy enemy"? Didn't somebody important to your religion say something to that effect?