Shawn Mcdonald #fundie

if i tie a string to a tree branch it hangs straight down. vertically. why is this? if the earth is rotating at 1,000mph, the rope should have a slight pitch caused by the earths rotation. if i take that same rope and hang it from my arm and hold still.. the rope also stays still... but if i try to move my arm at any speed, the rope is no longer vertical.

the end of the rope in my hand leads, the end closes to the ground trails behind it. theres no movement. simple as that. how about a helium baloon.. but one thats lost some of its helium so that it sits buoyant instead of rising...

if you have a string hanging from a helium baloon thats just floating. it stays in the same place... you cant observe the earths movement below it.. yet its not attached to anything. it just sits there... yet globers will use a pendulum as proof for the spinning ball earth.



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