The mongrelized United States has instigated and financed a war between 2 of the few white Christian nations in the region. Who can make war with the beast?
What beast was that? Russia as symbolised by a 🐻, or Putin himself. You see, I find it hilarious that you blame the United States for Russian aggression, now, when I remember when they used to be archenemies.
Ethnic Russians, who form the core of President Vladimir Putin’s oft-promoted “Russian world,” are rapidly declining in number, with many of those who had identified as Russian in the past no longer doing so—thus driving down the percentage of the Russian Federation’s population that is ethnically Russian. According to Russian census figures released at the end of December 2022, even though Russia’s population increased slightly between 2010 and 2021, the number of people who identified as ethnic Russians fell from 111,016,896 to 105,579,179, a decline of 5,437,717—or almost 5 percent (, January 5). And, in turn, this decline means that the share of that country’s population identifying as ethnic Russian fell from 77.71 percent in the 2010 census to 71.73 percent in the current one, far below the 80 percent that the Kremlin routinely claims.
Who you callin' mongrelized, Greg? Looks like Russia is on its way.
“The mongrelized”
Oh, goody. A white nationalist. Die in a fire, sweetie.
“United States has instigated and financed a war between 2 of the few white Christian nations in the region.”
US and Russia talked Ukraine into handing over nucleear weapons left by the Soviet collapse, in promise of defending their borders. Russia did not keep that promise.
We kinda need to if for no other reason than the other nuclear nations trusting our word.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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