Geoffrey #racist

Instead of WWIII with battle ready China and Russia, Trump has within his power the ability to smash Jew power with a few simple strokes. There is no need for 51% of whites to first be convinced, because this will never happen. This can be done the sneaky Jew way. Russia was taken over by about two hundred Jews invading the Winter Place – a nation of 130 million people. The (((Menshevik))) Government did not resist and were, as fellow Jews, most probably in on the (((Bolshevik))) plot. Nobody remembers the Mensheviks these days. Widespread pacifism and defeatism helped the Bolshies win, so this could also help Trump.

Very few young men want to die for any Multicult Nation these days. As I see it, all Jew power emanates first from the creation of money, rather than ownership and control of the media for example. I have had the idea for a long time that trillions of Fed dollars have been stolen and handed direct to Jews for wasting in buying up media assets and making money losing propaganda movies at Hollywood.

One jew start-up after another creates instant Jew billionaires such as Uber, which somehow rides roughshod over the rights of licensed taxi drivers in every nation – without a peep from the local Governments. I do not believe in this miracle and I think that stolen Fed money (i.e. new taxpayer debt) is behind a lot of this instant success and wealth. E.g. bribery of politicians worldwide.

Any President can smash Jew power, and should, else all of civilisation will be destroyed by the (((wreckers))). First, declare a State of Emergency. One minute later, surround all Federal Reserve buildings with Federal Troops and or Police. Arrest all Fed workers, and especially the Gang of 12 (The 12 regional Governors of the Fed who are mostly Jews). Also the Gang of 7 which has almost entirely jews in its ranks, the Overseers.

Also arrest the chairman who is currently (((Janet Yellen))). Any “owners” of the bank are also to be arrested if they are within USA jurisdiction. The value of the bank is to be set at zero, and zero compensation is to be paid to the “owners”. Interrogation of the workers will reveal the true extent of the Jew plot against the USA. These results are to be made public in the new media. All US taxpayer debts to this phoney Jew bank are to be cancelled with the exception of any bonds owed to genuine non-Jew investors and foreign Governments. All other interest payments and capital debts are erased immediately.

The Fed is thus nationalised and dismantled. All fed tasks are handed to the US Treasury, including the ownership and running of the IRS – the taxation system where Jews have been robbing US citizens for 105 years. Jews elsewhere will crash the US dollar and stock market. However, this is worth the cost, and the end of paying interest on counterfeit money will make all US citizens richer. Trump commands the most powerful military ever known and there are very few Jews who join this military. They know where the real power is, such as Wall Street, the Media and the Fed.

The same day the Fed is ended; all media TV stations are also to be occupied by US forces. All Jew owners are to be forced to sell by auction to non-Jews, and no Jew will be allowed to run any media outlet bigger than a radio station. No TV and no newspapers. The Hollywood cartel is also to be be busted up. All this is easy once the Fed is gone. All Jew talking heads on TV, and Jew journalists, are to be arrested and imprisoned. There will be no Jews allowed as media commentators.

The above sounds like a pipe dream but would actually be quite easy to accomplish by a determined President. Congress and the Senate could not stop him. All 500 lickspittles of them are in the pay of the Jews, they are loyal only to a foreign nation, not their own nation. All NeoCons to be arrested and jailed along with Mad Dog Mattis. Anyone “influential” who has publically called for foreign wars this Century to be jailed – including George Dubya Bush and his cronies. 911 to be investigated for the first time, and the truth published afterwards.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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