various commenters #transphobia

( dragonheart )
TIFs entering gay male spaces and... complaining about men?
Every now and then, a TIF will come up on my feed and usually I just scroll but this one was complaining about the way she was treated on Grindr (which is an app for gay men) and I ended up watching it because I had a feeling she was going to complain about being sexualized in that space... and I was correct.

I just don't understand what she thought would happen on there? The naivety of TIFs is staggering! I'm guessing she had consumed too much yaoi/boys love and had a distorted view of gay men and male sexuality in general, where she thinks they just want to sit around holding hands and making daisy chains.

Obviously TIFs are never going to pose a physical threat to gay men in the way TIMs pose to lesbians but my God, the entitlement and delusion is just the same.

So sick of this.

( TheKnitta )
Why are they always moaning about gay men being gay men? Reality isn’t like the fanfiction written by women. Grow the hell up, TiFs.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Bc they're homophobes

( Eava )
Not really, they're heterosexual women who want gay men to see them as gay men, but treat them they way they expect heterosexual men to treat women.

( opreroma )
I think expecting gay men not to act like gay men is itself latently homophobic.

It seems to me that whether it's a TIF or a TIM, all the trans people start from the same place (misogyny) and end in the same place (homophobia). But, they call this "progress"...

( GeneralLesbian )
She might have gotten sexualized with a few Gay men. But it's mainly Bi and Pan men who are doing this.

I really thought you were going to say just the opposite. Gay men are still included within the Patriarchy. They are men. They have been loudly vocal about not watching to have sex with TIFS. They will shut it down.

It's hasn't be this long 13+ year slog of TIMS, who have created a Feminized Patriarchy within the LBTQ AFABS communities. Genital Preferences are a coping mechanism. Instead of this homophobic and misogynistic discourse young Lesbians should have been up front and said they only want to date and have sex with AFABS. The existence of Female Homosexuality has been completely ERASED.



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