It is reasonable to assume that crime of various types would increase if homosexuals are allowed into the military. It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts. At present most military families regard base housing as a relatively safe place to raise their children. If homosexuals are allowed into the military, base housing may no longer be perceived as safe for children. If the morale of military families collapses, the moral of the armed forces as a whole will likewise be devastated (p. 88).
--Gays & Guns: The Case Against Homosexuals In The Military by John Eidsmoe
Uh.. when did the term 'homosexual' become synonymous with 'pedophile'? I guarantee that there are far more straight pedos than gay seeing as how, you know, only a small percentage of the world population is actually gay.
The usual smearing lie that homosexuality allegedly equals pedophilia. Homosexuality has NOTHING to do with pedophilia.
When you really want to protect the children, taking into account the gruesome events which came to light in the last years: Throw out the military chaplains. Especially the catholic.
"It is reasonable to assume that crime of various types would increase if homosexuals are allowed into the military."
Oh, really? Do you have any evidence to back up your outrageous claims? If not, then it would be reasonable to assume that you're just a lying, slandering bigot.
"It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts. At present most military families regard base housing as a relatively safe place to raise their children."
Homosexuals are no more a threat to children than heterosexuals.
"If homosexuals are allowed into the military, base housing may no longer be perceived as safe for children. If the morale of military families collapses, the moral of the armed forces as a whole will likewise be devastated"
If bigoted fundy families perceive homosexuals as a threat to their morale, then they're the ones with the problem. And, if you ask me, I think unfounded bigotry would do more damage to the military's morale than the prospect of allowing open gays in the military.
It is reasonable to assume...
No, no it's not.
It is also reasonable to assume...
Again, no it's not.
You know what happens when one practices to assume: it makes an "ass out of U and me."
But in this case, just you.
It is reasonable to assume that crime of various types would increase if homosexuals are allowed into the military.
And why is such an assumption "reasonable"? There exists no credibled data whatsoever that homosexuals are any more likely to commit criminal actions than heterosexuals. Moreover, this is the very same bullshit arguement that bigots much like yourself made against integrating blacks into the army, it was an outright lie then, and it remains so today.
It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts.
Again,why is such an assumption "reasonable"? Homosexuality and pedophilia are not the same thing, the vast majority of gays are no more attracted to chidren than you are, and there exists no data to the contrary. Children are far morelikely to be molested by a heterosexual pedopile.
At present most military families regard base housing as a relatively safe place to raise their children. If homosexuals are allowed into the military, base housing may no longer be perceived as safe for children.
And yet there have been homosexuals allowed in the military for over a decade under DADT and that has not happened, a fact which soundly disproves your assertion.
You know, if I was gay, I'd start suing these fundies for slander. This whole homosexuality = pedophilia argument is getting old, has been disproved time and again, and as the sibling/friend of numerous gays, it makes my blood boil. They get just as outraged over child molestation cases as the rest of us, and would go to the ends of the earth to protect children from sick perverts. One of them is even a licensed foster parent, opening her home up to children abused by their heterosexual parents.
Enough already. This has got to stop. At least be man enough to have a valid argument, with evidence you can actually produce to back it up.
You know that would probably happen regardless of whether or not gays enlist while closeted. Since many have enlisted while closeted as DADT would prohibit them from doing otherwise, and seeing as how you don't hear of the cases you insist would happen, methinks this claim, and well, anything else you've written is...
You know, there have always been gays in the military, right?
DADT only meant they weren't allowed to say anything about it, but they were still in the military, right?
It is reasonable to assume that crime of various types would increase if homosexuals are allowed into the military. It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts.
Only if by "it is reasonable to assume", you mean "I'm pulling it out of my ass to assume".
Oh, the old “Homosexuals are child molesters” argument again? *yawn*
Normally this doesn’t merit a response, but the bit about “bases may no longer be perceived as safe” bit bugs me. Namely cause this asshole doesn’t understand that whether or not it is perceived as safe has little bearing on whether or not it actually is safe. Perceptions and reality disagree far more often than we like to think.
The Fundie Standard Dictionary:
Reasonable (adj.)
1) Some shit I just came up with which, nonetheless, I expect to be taken seriously
2) Anything that supports my preconceived notions, biases, and hatreds even if it has no connection to reality
3) Anything in the Bible i.e. talking snakes, talking donkeys, the Sun standing still, zombie saints walking around Israel which nobody seemed to notice. Contrast with unreasonable i.e. populations reproducing with constant variation and given a crap-ton of time will eventually produce large differences.
"Reasonable" is not the word you're looking for. "Prejudiced" is more like it. "Uneducated" is another word that fits rather well.
Homosexuals have been allowed in the military for years. If homosexuals would destroy morale, then it would have happened years ago.
There is no evidence that homosexuals are more prone to pedophilia than heterosexuals are. On the contrary, more heterosexuals are in jail for the crime, even proportionately so.
I wouldn't call it "The Case Against..." if I were you. "The Lies About..." more accurately describes your diatribe.
@ Vermicious: The only gay people I think about even half as much as these people seem to think about gay people in general are my brother, with whom I am rather close, and my girlfriend, with whom I hope to have a family one day.
So yeah, you're about right. We don't.
I don't think it's healthy for you to obsess about something so much....
Do you bring paper and a pen with you to the bathroom just in case you think of another anti-gay thing to tell everyone about?
Guess what? No one gives a fuck about your bigotry.
I have to be honest, I really don't worry about homosexuals as child molesters. Some may be, but there just isn't enough evidence to bear that out. Now, you can make an argument that they are setting a bad example for children, but that's not the same as being a child molester.
Not saying I support gays in the military, btw.
Heterosexual-identified men are significantly more likely than gay-identified men to molest children. This is true even when only male victims are considered. (Side note -- many of the major pedophilia scandals only become a big deal when boys are the victims. Nobody seems to think it's a systemic problem as long as only girls suffer.)
What can we conclude from this? Simple -- if John Eidsmoe is actively promoting the idea that having more heterosexual-identified and fewer gay-identified men present is a situation of safety for children, then Mr. Eidsmoe is actively promoting the molestation of children. He is encouraging parents to overlook the more likely threat for the less likely, and is thus making children more likely to be victimized.
It is reasonable to assume that crime of various types would increase if homosexuals are allowed into the military.
Why reasonable?
It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts.
See above.
John Eidsmoe was Michele Bachmann's professor and mentor at the law school she attended.
Bachmann won the Iowa Straw Poll.
I think we should all be a bit concerned.....
I think we should ONLY let gay people be in the military!
A. Viscious, fighting machine SS nazis!
B. and if they should die, the gay problem is taken care off!!?
We should make military service mandatory for gay people!
What I think is really hilarious that the conservatives don't know, or refuse to acknowledge, is that if you're in the military, say the Marines, and you go on joint exercises with say British Royal Marines, you're now on exercises with openly gay Marines, as the Royal Marines don't have a "DADT", they have "you can be gay or straight, we'll send you someplace horrible to get shot at".
So much for joining the military to be free from the gheys.
[It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts. ]
Child molesters can be straight married men. Rape and molestation are often a crimes of power and not attraction.
> It is also reasonable to assume more child molestation would take place on military outposts.
Why do you even allow children in military outposts?
Our commissioned officers live in normal apartment houses outside of the military bases. Children must stay the hell out of the bases.
It warrants reposting:
Child molestation and abuse takes place on a massive scale amongst the religious communities of the world. This state of affairs satisfies two groups, the perverts who cling to religions coat-tails to justify their sadism and desperate cravings, and perverted deities who feed off the evil vibrations of their hellish followers.
These idiots really don't understand what DADT. Gays ARE allowed in the military. They're just not allowed to serve OPENLY.
I'm liberal, but personally, I see DADT as the only compromise that could have been made at the time. The forms one filled out for applying used to include the phrase "Are you homosexual?". Now it doesn't. But it also prevents sexual harassment charges.
I wish they could serve openly, I really do. But from the way I've seen drill sergeants act, it's just asking for trouble.
But I also don't think that someone who is willing to die for our country be denied the right to serve.
I see DADT as the greatest example of political compromise in modern times, and I wish I could see more compromise like this in the current congress.
@ Anon #1323192
I shouldn't worry about that, the British armed forced legalised homosexuality for service personnel shortly before i joined, some 12 years ago. There were none of the prophesied homophobic attacks and the bullying did not increase from previous levels (still a zero-tolerance issue). In fact the common response to a shipmate coming out was to throw him/her a party.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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