Various Commenters #racist #transphobia #wingnut
RE: Transgender Lutheran Bishop Resigns Over Racism Allegations
(American Plague)
An openly transgender cleric from San Francisco has resigned amid allegations of racism after firing the pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation.
The association’s leaders said her message ignored the suffering of an entire community and gave “a white aggressor the opportunity to decide their own fate — a decision deeply rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”
Hahaha! This reads like the most bizarre, Mad Max-like, post apocalyptic craziness😆! A bunch of transphobic Hispanics come together and terrorize a racist tranny bishop, for racial discrimination, to the point that "they" [the racist tranny] has to wear bullet proof armor during church service. I can definitely see how some God fearing Christians might think that The End is near.
(Marc Zuckurburg)
A contest to see who is the bigger snowflake.
(Meyer Lansky)
Hispanics learned a long time ago to play the race card the way blacks do. How many times do they mention blacks and browns in the same sentence when they claim discrimination and harassment from us evil whites?
Hay, caramba! supremasisticando Blanco et rasismo systematical! So firing someone with incomplete credential requirements is racism now... By the way, since when 'Hispanic trans' (or is he a Mexican trans?) is a RACE?
On a different note: What fired what? It is so difficult to follow all that terminology salad with some peppery qualifications added for taste... Speaking of tastes, in some denominations and religions, it's the achievements (work, publications, etc) that are emphasized, not the bedroom specs.
And that's an interesting twist: What kind of a discrimination and -ism is it if a queer fires a tranny? Is it a discrimination or a retaliation or some kind of a supremacy or what?
Isn’t it some kind of heresy for someone to insist on being referred to as, ‘they’
"They" like multiple demons inside. Legion.