various commenters #transphobia

“Gender-Affirming Care” Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific

( pennygadget )
Trans is the only mental/medical condition where the patient is allowed to diagnose themselves and decide which medications and surgeries they need. The doctors only exist to rubber stamp whatever they want. That's how you know the whole thing is bullshit

( Persimmon64 )
Trans is the only subculture fad that allows people to get cosmetic alterations and drugs given to them by doctors to enable them to get a certain aesthetic and the only subculture/fashion/fad that not only relies on fantasy, but forces others including the government and our laws, to play along

( SamanthaK )
Our paychecks too. Since gender affirming care is often paid for by the taxpayer.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
In the famous TV show House MD, its a running theme sorta that patiests lie, always. And House never took any patient for face value for what they were saying.

Wonder how they would've handled TiMs

( syntaxerror )
House frequently makes TRAs screech because of that episode where the patient of the week ended up being an XY male with androgen insensitivity syndrome (basically unresponsive to testosterone) making him appear to be completely female. The problem ended up being cancer on one of the patient’s undescended testicles.

House says the ultimate woman is a man and then says that he has cancer on his left testicle and the patient flips out and screams “I’m not a boy, I’m a girl!” It was revealed earlier in the episode that the girls father had sexually assaulted her (sex at her request, but she was supposed to be 15) and then House basically makes a comment about the dad being gay, now.

What I’m saying is, I can promise you House would not have put up with Trans bullshit for even a second. He was offensively blunt and cruel, and didn’t even mince words with a totally female presenting hermaphrodite because he had a Y chromosome



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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