There is no evidence whatsoever the Mongols, any more than any other Asiatic people, would ever have accomplished anything notable. Past performance here is an indicator of future success. (By notable, I mean enduring additions to mankind; conquest itself is not notable.). I said nothing about Americans; it is the West, Christendom, that has done everything that matters for the modern world to exist as it is (good and bad). This is objectively obvious and provable; it is not a founding myth.
Just… how pathetic must one be that, not only do you need to appropriate the archievements of an entire continent for yourself, but to be so envious that you obsess over denying that anyone else ever accomplished anything at all?
There is no evidence whatsoever the Northmen, any more than any other European people, would ever have accomplished anything notable. Past performance here is an indicator of future success. (By notable, I mean enduring additions to mankind; conquest itself is not notable.). I said nothing about Americans; it is the Middle Kingdom, Confucianism, that has done everything that matters for the modern world to exist as it is (good and bad). This is objectively obvious and provable; it is not a founding myth.
Christendom, that has done everything that matters for the modern world to exist as it is (good and bad). This is objectively obvious and provable; it is not a founding myth
The location of Hadrian’s Wall.
What you’ll find at the Yorvik Centre in York will blow your fucking mind re. the later Viking presence here in Britain, Chuckles.
"By notable, I mean enduring additions to mankind; conquest itself is not notable.”
So clearly a pathetic attempt to define your chosen demographic into prominence. We didn’t conquer, so conquering hardly counts….
So, establishing clear, safe trade routes that allowed various cultures to communicate ideas, and in fact bringing to the west some of those very same inventions that the west wants to lay some weird claim to, that’s not an enduring addition? Admittedly, their focus on conquest led to their own downfall, when they lost those who helped make that conquest possible, but in all the time of Genghis Khan’s expansion with the help of prime and unfortunately largely forgotten great general Tsubodai, they brought together inventions from many cultures, shared them with others, making the largest empire ever, and ending the height of their empire by scaring the “big” western empires that they might soon be conquered by raving eastern hordes.
The west wouldn’t have gunpowder and cheap paper for hundreds more years if it weren’t for the Mongols, and wouldn’t have later benefited from the trade routes Genghis Khan’s army first established and secured. No silk, no tea, hardly any spices, none of what they spent centuries building their wealth on. No thoughts of even trying to find a way to avoid the Arabs to get to China … means Columbus doesn’t give a damn about going west across the Atlantic. No Americas ruled by Europeans.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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