missouripatriot #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Would you believe it? The Satanist cult is complaining that the pro-life law somehow violates their freedom of religion. Doesn't this show that the Satanists are baby killers? They seek to block the three day waiting period and the provision of an ultrasound for the pregnant mother. Josh Hawley has finally started to stand up for his conservative principles and has now defended conservative values as he defended the right to life and Missouri's pro-life laws. Solicitor General John Sauer said that there is nothing to be done as nothing is prohibiting anyone from practicing their religion. Since the law doesn't mandate any hindrance to the practice but just increases the likelihood of a mother choosing life, this in no way constitutes a violation to their religion so it looks like they won't be getting anywhere against the cause of life anytime soon.

All the while the abortions are shutting down in Missouri and still the marchers for life continue with their cause. I'm sure the law will be repealed...when abortion on demand is eliminated in the USA that is. Viva Pro Via!



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