On today’s edition of the “700 Club,” a viewer told Robertson that her 13-year-old step-son, who “lives with his mother most of the time,” has “crushes on boys” and wanted the televangelist’s help.
Repeating the myth that homosexuality is the result of a lack of parental bonding, Robertson said “his attraction is now toward other men because he’s raised by a woman.”
“I would get him male companions, I’d get him some man to help him, some mentor, someone who cares about young men,” Robertson advised. “He is being raised by a single woman and that is skewing his orientation.”
How's about leaving the kid the fuck alone and letting him be who he is without screwing around with his mind or trying to make him into something he isn't?
Also, being raised by a single mother doesn't turn a person gay. That's just fucking stupid. Why does anyone still listen to this crazy bastard?
Here's a "prophesy" that is guaranteed to come to pass:
Every time you see something about the 700 Club, take the part where it says "Pat Robertson said”, remove the quote following, and replace it with the phrase "something really fucking stupid again".
So far, it's 100% accurate! Amazing!
@Arctic Knight,
Demonic possession, they got raped one time and that turned them gay, they were atheists so Jesus got mad and turned them gay (no, really it's in the Bible; Romans 1:26 & 27), they just want to be cool since gays are soooooo well loved by society.
Ok, fundy mode off.
Don't these fundies often say that women should be in the home, taking care of the kids, while the men are out working and bringing home the food?
But no; children shouldn't be too much with their mothers, or they will turn gay...
*buzzer noise* Try again. Actually, don't.
So... in your mind, the best way to "cure homosexuality" is to have the guy in question hang out with a bunch of other dudes? Dudes who "(care) about young men," no less?
"“I would get him male companions, I’d get him some man to help him, some mentor, someone who cares about young men,”
I'd suggest Jimmy Saville but unfortunately he's no longer breathing. How about Gary Glitter. You'll have to hurry up though as he may be "going away" to one of Her Majesty's hotels pretty soon.
PS. "13 yo Step son". If you're not related to him you don't get a say in how he's brought up so maybe you should mind your own business.
Acceptable advice for the wrong reason.
Helping children increase their support system through healthy peer friendships and adult mentors is always good. This is particularly important when something like a divorce has happened. This is the whole basis behind Big Brothers/Big Sisters, for example.
But it will not change the child's orientation. Good relationships will, however, enable the child to deal with the issue better than suffering in silence. For example, it seems to me that boy crushes might also occur with heterosexual boys (as 13 is a VERY tumultuous age), and good male role models might help him sort out what it really means.
Pat's hypothesis fails on two accounts: millions of men raised by women turn out straight, and many men raised in two-parent families turn out to be gay. Does Pat honestly think the entire medical and psychiatric community is so stupid that they wouldn't have noticed a simple correlation like that in the last couple of centuries?
>“I would get him male companions,
Oh, I bet he'll really put up a fight over that. There's nothing gay males hate more than male companionship.
Oh, Pat. You're always good for a laugh, you know that?
Okay, so the 'problem', in their mind, is that the woman's son has taken an interest in men. The solution: Have him hang around more men. Good one, Pat.
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