Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
So much talk, back and forth, including from my many patriotic “defenders & supporters,” about our Federal Government working every seldom (or never used) rule and regulation in order to get and destroy, at any cost, President Donald J. Trump. Same concepts, anger, and Radical Left maniacs and RINOs who have been working the system of Hoaxes and Scams ever since I came down the “golden escalator” in Trump Tower seven years ago. They also have the same problem, however - I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Trump won re-election by a landslide and must be reinstated immediately!🇺🇸👌

@realdonaldtrump but more importantly, you have been chosen by GOD “for such a time as this” and His Hand is upon you.

You did do something wrong, you didn't rid the trash when you had a chance. You wanted to play both sides the field and that's a no win situation. Now, the people you thought were your friends want to ruin you and America. Sometimes in life you get what's coming.


Yes you did murderer. You pushed operation warp speed and have murdered millions worldwide you fucking piece of shit

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump TRUMP 2024!!!

@Mickey_B @AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump this guy loves communism just like Trump

@realdonaldtrump We know you didn't Mr. President!

@realdonaldtrump if we don't put Trump back in office there will be total anarchy in America. To much crime not being punished.

@Taratmay @realdonaldtrump Why would you want him back in office? He personally convinced millions to take poison. He should face the exact same justice as Biden and Fauci. Trump is right there with them, and we can't afford to make excuses for why it's okay for SOME people to push poison, but not others.

@Taratmay It's up to the citizens to punish crimes, because the cops are on Team Criminal. The big tip-off was when they stopped allowing citizens to do law enforcement in their free time. That was pretty early in the Communist tyranny game.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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