"If Congress wants to stop these tragedies, then it has to address the government’s own hostility to the institution of the family and organizations that can address the real problem: the human heart"
The heart is a blood-pump. Nothing more.
PROTIP: In ancient Egypt, in the process of mummification, the heart - among other important organs - were placed in Canopic Jars; in their culture, the heart was the centre of feeling. The brain was removed through the nose with hooks, and disposed of.
In ancient Japan, the stomach was considered the centre of feeling. Thus - in the process called Seppuku - a Samurai slit open his belly; he was decapitated by another Katana-wielding Samurai.
Better start saying 'Let Jesus into your brain', fundies, or you're gonna commit Seppuku too: and not just metaphorically, due to your own obsession with 'metaphor' (especially Biblical). One word: Perception.
It's that word which ultimately did for you fundies in the last US elections. And not just inside the US, neither.
@rubber chicken
"Your plan to increase self-control is to impose it upon people ? Do you ever stop for a moment and listen to yourself ?"
Apparently not. That word springs to mind again: Perception.