Jim #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From “Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims”]

This an ad for a worthy cause


This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says

“We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and fuel to operate equipment”

It is probably true

Fema has pissed away all its money on illegal immigrants, which is probably a good thing because its previous responses to disasters have been hostile to the victims of disaster, and even more hostile to anyone who was prepared for disaster, or providing more useful assistance than Fema. Their primary objective appears to be to move people from areas that vote Republican, to areas that vote Democrat by overwhelming margins, and to reduce everyone to dependency upon the government. In the floods of Hurricane Helene, seem to be more interested in land seizures than providing food and clean drinking water

Fema is however vitally concerned that faith based shelters might misgender transwomen



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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