A Freespeechzone #racist amren.com

Notice that many blacks and self-loathing Whites take that position that the facts in this case, as we know them, are irrelevant and that punishing Zimmerman for daring to defend himself from a known, violent thug must be done at all costs.

This is aided and supported by the DOJ, Obama and self-loathing White liberals who did nothing when Zimmerman had a bounty put on his life by the new black panthers. Lawless blacks can threaten and put bounties on people knowing they can get away with it--now if a White put a bounty on a black thug, Obama, Holder and the DOJ would engage all the resources of the country to find and prosecute.

Whites had better 'wake up'; if Zimmerman is convicted, minorities will be literally given the 'green light' to attack and murder Whites--knowing little, if anything will be done to punish them. God help the White person who acts in self-defense; they will be a target of the courts and government.

The results of this trial will change the way 'justice' is administered in the future. If you are White, be very afraid....



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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