The Enemy Within #racist

The remark about “the enemy within” at the end of this video well describes who the real enemy is.

Only the Jew-wise realize who the real enemy is. The vast majority of people still don’t realize that the Anti Christian Anti White (ACAW) Jews view non-Jews as enemies to be destroyed. Relatively few realize that the immigrant floods are really just Zionist-inspired invaders who the Jews media falsely labels as refugees. Few are even aware that Zionist Jews exist, which is just how the Zionists want it.

Relatively few realize that Oakland’s Jew Mayor Libby Schaaf of sanctuary city infamy and similar Jews in high places are ACAW Jews obsessed with destroying Christianity. Relatively few realize that Chuck Schumer and Jews like him want to disarm Americans and confiscate their guns to make them helpless against Zionist oppression. Few realize that Zionist Jews are behind all the other ACAW evil that has ruined the world over the last 100 years.

The wars, perversion, pornography, transgender toilets, fags, loss of civil rights, federal reserve scam, IRS oppression, migrant floods, banning Christianity from schools and government, practically all that is evil, is due to Zionist Jews. These evils are intentionally inflicted by the enemy within, Satan’s Zionist Jews, to replace the old Christian order with the Jew World Order.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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