various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie

( @Nature_and_Race )
If God comes down to earth to fight for the Jews, then he isn't really God.

@Nature_and_Race There are good and evil people in every ethnicity.

One of these days, the world will be gathered to fight against the Jewish people and God is going to come down and wrathfully defend them.

( @Princeps_Caesarion )
@Nature_and_Race I assure you, unless they turn from their wickedness, God will never help them. God helps they who turn to him, not those who are in perpetual rebellion against him like the present day jews and their forefathers since 33 AD.

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Nature_and_Race I’m blocked. You must be talking to a nigger

( @AngryWhiteCringeNat )
@Conservative_Susan @VoxNihil @Nature_and_Race “there’s good & bad in every ethnicity!”
Yeah, but nonWhite races seem to compromise 85% bad. Fuk the other 15% for the sake of muh individual freedom

( @K_Hard_R_Jo )
@Nature_and_Race that’s not what’s going to happen. Modern jews are irredeemable. They’ve committed the eternal unforgivable sin. They get vengeful hellfire then death forever.

( @Genovefa )
@Nature_and_Race ah no , God is Jesus incarnate and said these Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. They are Edomites Canannite Imposters.
Just look at them , they don't believe in God but love their anti Christ Talmud. And they twist the first Books of the Bible. Scripture and History proofs they are not God's chosen people.

God will Avange the white people and punish all who did us harm.
His word says so.

( @NXLegend )
@Nature_and_Race The only way the whole world unites against the Jews is if the whole world figures out all their problems are due to the usury scam run by the Jews. Since the Jews are holding all the "world leaders" leashes I don't see this happening.



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