<BloddyViking: You seem to think that you can just Choose to believe something.
A challenge: Start believing in tiny pink unicorns who live on socks stolen from the laundry. They are sneaky, fast, and very good at hiding.
Well, do you believe in them? Can you choose to do so? If not, how can you call anything requiring faith a choice?>
Pagan do you belive in shadow people???? Have you seen them?????????? If you have........How can you deny Christ???????
Plue - People like this exist for the same reason as guests on the Jerry Springer show: To give others a yard-stick against which to measure their own sanity, a reason to rejoice that we're not them, and, mostly, something to laugh at.
A challenge: Start believing in tiny pink unicorns who live on socks stolen from the laundry. They are sneaky, fast, and very good at hiding.
Well, do you believe in them? Can you choose to do so? If not, how can you call anything requiring faith a choice?>
Christian do you belive in angels dancing on the head of pins???? Have you seen them?????????? If you have........How can you deny any other god???????
OK,,, so if it's not a choice, why preach to others? They can't 'choose' to believe you, so you're wasting your time. Or could it be you're deluding yourself into doing what you 'believe' to be what skypixie wants?
And yet another point is sacraficed on the Christian altar of stupidity.
Well, it would have been, but this guy missed it completely.
I actually had to Google "shadow people" before I was able to follow this, had never heard of them before. Nice to see that human stupidity will always replenish itself with more superstitious gobbledegook whenever enough myths are killed off by rational explaination.
If only stupidity could be used as an energy source, we'd never have to worry about draining our reserves.
Why do these people exist?? what is the purpose of these people?? someone tell me? before i cause myself brain damage...
I expect idiots and psychotics are the price you pay for also having geniuses; on a statistical plot of intelligence, you aren't likely to get datapoints noticably above average without also getting ones below.
@ Cabraxas
OK,,, so if it's not a choice, why preach to others? They can't 'choose' to believe you, so you're wasting your time. Or could it be you're deluding yourself into doing what you 'believe' to be what skypixie wants?
How cute. You think they really want to convert people. They make the barest minimum effort on the most part because their bible says they have to, so they just use it as an opportunity to lord their faith over us lowly heathens.
there are "noise" words in computer languages that aren't necessary for the logic, but make the coding easier to follow.
These people are "noise" people, though unlike "Noise" words have the purpose of making life harder to understand
I have not seen the sock Gnomes, but I know they exist. Those little bastards always steal my left socks, never the right ones, just the left ones......get it the left socks.....hello!
To: Reverend Davidius
I had to look up shadow people, but according to wikipedia, they're the same as demons or ghosts or creatures from another dimension. Seems to be a catch-all phrase for paranormal beings.
So your saying that Christ is as real as shadow people? On that level I'll agree with you.
?????????????????????????????????????? Just to prove my point.
"Shadow people (also known as shadow men, shadow folk, or shadow beings) are creatures found in modern folklore, where they are said to be shadow-like creatures of supernatural origin. According to folklore, they appear as dark forms in the peripheries of people's vision and disintegrate, or move between walls, when noticed."
Shadowy figures in the periphery of my vision?
Gee, after seeing one of those, how can someone POSSIBLY deny that the omnipotent creator of the universe sent his son down to be killed to pay the price for a crime committed 4000+ years earlier?
I'm fairly certain that the only way "Truth"'s post makes sense is with the liberal use of illicit substances.
And even then, it might be sketchy.
"Shadow people (also known as shadow men, shadow folk, or shadow beings) are creatures found in modern folklore, where they are said to be shadow-like creatures of supernatural origin. According to folklore, they appear as dark forms in the peripheries of people's vision and disintegrate, or move between walls, when noticed." -- tracer
Dark forms in one's peripheral vision.... sounds like "floaters" to me, those shadowy strands of condensed vitrous inside the eyeball (viewed through a good deal of imagination!).
Pagans believe in shadow people because they see them. It's you Christians who walk around wishing and thinking about the other world of Heaven and never truly living on Earth.
Even you idiots say you're "not part of this world" or "awaiting the call to the next world".
Fucking shadow people.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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