The Israeli government is godless, "awarding Aish a coveted piece of land" so they can teach millions of Jews why they SHOULDN'T believe in Jesus! Monstrous! Evil! Wicked! Vile! Many Jews today spit on Jesus Christ, and would crucify Him all over again if they had the opportunity! The religious Jewish leaders of today are as Pharisaical and hypocritical as they were 2000 years ago. And yet John Hagee is promising us prosperity if we give money to these Christ-Rejecters. No sir, you are apostate! And the Jews have the audacity to get mad at Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ for bringing further light to the fact that they MURDERED THEIR MESSIAH!
1. Jews didn't kill your "messiah"; it was the Romans. Learn a little history, you idiot.
2. Explain how anyone can be blamed for the death of Jesus if he was destined to die on the cross? The whole thing was apparently orchestrated by his daddy in the sky, so guess who you should really be blaming...
QED, bitch.
stupid fuck,jews respect jesus,they just dont buy into him being the messiah,which if the fundie fucktards would read their damned bible theyed see that jesus didnt fulfil biblical prophecy as the messiah
Wasn't the whole point of Jesus coming down here so that he could get his ass nailed to a tree in the first place?
If so, then the Jews (actually, they were wearing _very_ convincing Roman disguises) were doing exactly what gawd wanted and needed them to do. Hell, if they hadn't, y'all would be pissing yourselfs over the fact that the damn jews didn't kill Jesus!
Jesus was actually killed by the Romans.............sorry, that's the way it is. And man, 2/3 of the world rejects Jesus(or rather, they don't believe he is the son of God), what's the point?
It's been a while since I read that bit of the bible, but isn't the whole point of the story that while the Roman government executed Jesus, it was the people he was trying to save, ie the Jews, that rejected him and called for his execution?
Many Jews today do not "spit" on Jesus, they just regard him as a prophet instead of the Messiah, like the Muslims. Yes, the Sanhedrin did hand Jesus over to the Romans and demanded that he be punished, but Jesus technically died by the Romans' hands, not the Jews'. You're an idiot.
Actually, your bible states that the Romans killed Jesus; centurions, I think it was, though Pilate did the sentencing. Not that there's any historical record of it, mind you.
And if I recall correctly, Jews respect the Jesus figure as a prophet; they don't believe he was the Messiah because he didn't fit the description in their prophecies.
Also, not believing in Jesus does not make one 'godless.' Get your head out of your ass.
If Jesus hadn't been crucified there would be no Christian religion today.
You guys ought to be thanking whoever was responsible, not condemning them.
The religious Jewish leaders of today are as Pharisaical and hypocritical as they were 2000 years ago.
The Hasidic extremists, yeah. They have plenty of company, though: Taliban and Pat Robertson.
Hate to break this to you Dave old buddy, but Jesus was a JEW. He was crucified(a Roman method of execution), not stoned(the Jewish method). Plus, isn't your WHOLE RELIGION BASED ON JESUS DYING AND RISING FROM THE GRAVE?!!!!Gee you are a dolt!
A Roman soldier did Jesus in. This was also depicted in The Passion. Dickbrain.
Also, Romanes eunt domus.
Okay, first off, the Messiah is not supposed to be a demi-god. He is supposed to be a normal man. Second of all, he's supposed to fulfill certain prophecies. Name one he fulfilled. (The thing about his mother doesn't count, as "young woman" was mistranslated as "virgin.") Secondly, like everyone else has said, it was the Romans who killed Jesus and the entire point was that he was supposed to get nailed up. Finally, Jesus was Jewish.
Wasn't it the jews that killed him really though? As I remember pilate was only bowing to the pressure.
That's the story. It doesn't match the reality of how Judaism and the Roman government worked together.
The significant piece of information is that the gospel accounts were written at a time when the Jews had rebelled against Rome and had been violently put down. The authors had ample reason to distance themselves from the Jews and suck up to the Romans.
Can't you get mad about things that are a bit more trival? Like, oh, I don't know, how BBC America is encouraging our kids to be gays or something...
That's not really the case. I think, based on what's known about Judea in those days, that Pilate more or less just decided to have Jesus killed because he was a source of trouble. After all, he had just busted up the Temple courtyard a week before, and Pilate was hardly one to shy away from shedding blood in the name of crowd control.
Well, apart of all BS about Jesus, Godless and "murdered their Messiah", I can agree. The religious Jewish are Pharisaical and hypocrital and getting angry with the pathetic Mel Gibson´s movie is just silly.
You would never teach anyone why they SHOULDN'T belive in Allah, right?
Jesus doesn't fit all the requrements stated in the Old Testament for what the Messiah should be, therefore he is not THEIR Messiah, stupid.
Y'know, when it comes to hating the Jews: Jesus was a Jew, so were his diciples, so was his Momma and so was their God.
I realize Christianity is the bastardization of Judaism. Why , oh great scholar have you not noticed this?
Apparently in America they've decided the chosen people are white, and Stewarts one of their KKK leaders.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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