Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn #crackpot #magick #ufo
The New Earth Human
Over the past years, you have raised your consciousness from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension of Light, released layers of accumulated negative energy and reactivated your original Human Angelic Template with great success.
The 3rd Dimensional Human was a Being with 7 active chakras who needed to meditate to access the Soul and Higher Self which were “above” the human body. The 5th dimensional New Earth Human is a multi-dimensional Being of 13 active chakras which includes a direct connection to the Soul/Higher Self and the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Aspects of Self.
The main indication of your ascension to this state is your awareness of Solar movements and energies as you will “feel” within your Light Body and your Physical Body the flows of Plasma and Solar Light Codes as they pervade Earth’s atmosphere in the Sun’s ongoing conversation with the Earth. You will receive the Diamond Light Codes and integrate them in a Conscious and Joyful way.
You will become aware of your Galactic heritage and your personal connection to the Stars. In this Lions Gate transit, you will become aware of the Stellar and Galactic Masters of Light, such as the Royal Lions, and the Angelic Beings, such as the Elohim, who work with you to accomplish the Birthing of the New Earth.
At this Lions Gate of 2021, Beloved Family, many of you who were previously feeling “stuck” or “uncertain” or “unmotivated” will step up to your new responsibilities on the Planet.
The Lions Gate will provide the tsunami of High Frequency energy that will activate these transformations and lift you into the New Earth higher timeline.