Zionien #racist realjewnews.com
A Jew by any other name is still a Jew. They will ALWAYS choose their Synagogue Sf Satan (S.O.S.) buddies before a CHRIST-ian! YES - it is their curse +BN! GOD will not be mocked - let the truth be true and the Jew worms LIARS!
The Jew knows down deep inside - deep down where they are NOT in control, they have ZERO control, at their feeble soul level - that they are defectives & liars from the beginning! They aren’t as smart as they are conniving! Treachery is their path they lay for others not their own! Deception is their rule of the day, as their true ruler is Satan himself! REV 2:9, 3:9 - Children of the devil/liars from the beginning! Why would someone continually state that they are “God’s chosen” - if it were true all would know! We all know the truth you despicable worms! GAME OVER!
Now the Jew is/has plotted against The U.S.A. Look at their Mossad agent Facebook owner Suckerberg, what a psychologically troubled worm! Look how they pump FAKE news though ALL their media outlets to sway millennial gullible Yidiot minds! We are in fact under attack, Americans! We are being deceived on a daily! The good news is that Trump doesn’t wholeheartedly buy into their evil b.s. Yes he has to play their game a bit - all do, but you have to kiss @ss to kick @ss sometimes.
The good news is that the Jews are in fact SCARED! They are WORRIED! They are losing control and more and more are WAKING UP to their EVILS! With thanks to +BN and all of his honest research, naming the names, holding those responsible ACCOUNTABLE, which they HATE, they are in hiding mode. Next step is to get them into RUNNING SCARED MODE! Unfortunately the parasitic worms that they are burrow deep and that may require extreme measures to rid ourselves of these vermin once and for all!
I Pray that day will soon come - hey it’s closer than it’s ever been when you take in consideration all that’s going on around the world, like Orthodox CHRIST-ian Putin/Russia backing Syria and telling the wormy FAKE state a hearty NO! Worm parasites be gone!