Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

As part of our powerful activation & healing marathon, we are now facing our final moment of full liberation and freedom! For me, that’s our Diamond Sun God and Rainbow Plasma Lightbody fully online and us flying, for all else is a limited version of reality.

For this is us completing our transmigration, translocation, and transformation process, and return back home to Paradise and our true nature, essence, soul family, and Beloveds & UNITE AS ONE COSMIC FAMILY AGAIN! Free of all discord, wars, divisions caused by differences in beliefs and how we perceive things, free of all judgments and fragmentation, separation and victim-victimizer consciousness! For the Forerunners fully resolve this now within their own God-Self for good, on behalf of all! For


THISNIS THE FINAL EXODUS but as the tables have been turned, this time around, as the beginning meets the end, IT’S THE END, exodus and extraction FOR THE INVADERS and those that have commited grace crimes against humanity and the sanctity of life. Those who abused their powers to hurt the innocent, and those that depended on their leadership and safe guarding.
This session is mainly focusing on THE FINAL BIG ASTRAL CLEAN UP; clearing of astral infiltration and inter-FEAR-ence patterns running in the field. Connected to traumas and wounds and fear based programming. REMOVING ALL REMAINING ENTITIES, ATTACHMENTS, DEMONIC ENTITIES, VAMPIRES, FALLEN ANGELICS etc.
All hooks, cords, bindings, all the karmic residue and connections to and from our experiences in the fear Matrix are being fully dissolved and cleared. These attachments and entities actually were a part of keeping us safe and protected whilst living in this upside down world, as different rules applied. Now we all get to go home, fully reset, begin again, and play other roles, as

For this you have to CUT all your cords, attachments and connections to the false realities.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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