Do you play golf? In the Jackson Clarion-Ledger on August 19, they had an article entitled "ZEN: The religion of golf - Increasingly, approaches to the game borrow from Zen Buddhism". They also had a large picture of a golfer teeing off to a green and sand trap combination shaped like the yin-yang. You may want to do some extra warfare when on the greens. That same week it was on the national news.
@Quantum Mechanic
been reading have we :-)
You may laugh at those Yin Yang malarky, but that allows these guys to do this... These are people you don't want to "do warfare against".
The art of buddhism and achieving enlightenment is extremely similar to having the ability to hit a man so hard he forgets where he lives...
The zen of computer programming series was pretty entertaining too.
I never got the one with the GUI though, where Master Foo points at various things and then a dog pisses on this other programmer.
At this, the programmer achieved enlightenment.
I just love the idea of 'doing warfare' on a golf course.
"Pass me a 9 iron, caddy!"
"Why, you're on the green, aren't you just going to putt it?"
"No, I'm going to cave in the skull of that woman over there, she's meditating to try and improve her aim!"
Uh, the Zen thing is about relaxing and allowing yourself to flow, man, being one with the ball, one with the club, you dig? It sounds far out, I know, but it works.
When Fundies like this day "do warfare," they mean invoke God to counter the demons/sorcery/hoodoo confronting them. Basically, the Fundie version of Defense Against the Dark Arts.
And yes, they do believe in magic and sorcery. The real reason they hate and fear the Harry Potter series is that they believe it teaches kids how to perform real magic.
Why you'd need to perform spiritual warfare against an apatheist philosophy like Buddhism, I don't understand. I don't see any evil in Buddhism--nothing that promotes entropy, ruin, strife, or sorrow.
At least, I hope they realize that the definitons of good and evil are independent of God (and everything else)...
Well, it's obvious what they're thinking here: if there were more Christian golfers, then Jesus would appear to turn the water hazards into wine. Who needs enlightenment when you can have a PAR-TAY!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!
Yeah, Please, preach to the wealthy people who have nothing but time to waste spending real money knocking a ball around. They'll preach back at you about how your wasting time bothering rich people instead of convincing the poor and stupid to maintain THEIR BULLSHIT LIFESTYLE like you're supposed to.
You're very bad a being a fundie.Palin, Gingrich, Cheney and Company are ashamed of you.
Uh... WTF? For the last time, Christian retards everywhere, Buddhism is NOT demonic. Funny how you guys constantly accuse us of this, yet you never dredge up so much as a single shred of proof for this drivel.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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