Carmen Cojocaru #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Hyperboreans appeared in Scandinavia and Russia, then migrating all over the world.

The Thracian race that is our ancestor has Hyperborean origins.

Today, some of the descendants of the Hyperboreans are shamans from Siberia, healers who receive guidance from elementals and nature spirits.

The Thracians come from Noah and his sons who appeared on Earth after the last ice age.

The Romanians are the descendants of Noah through his son Geter.

There were few survivors who managed to brave the cold wind, ice and snow as they migrated south and west while others were taken off the planet by ETs and then relocated to other parts of the planet or other planets.

A branch of the Thracians is the Vinca and Turdas who are the ancestors of the Sumerians.

Densusianu speaks of the Hyperboreans, as well as the ancients who are now disregarded.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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