various commenters #wingnut #racist

I don't know who needs to hear this, but...

Western Whites have about as much power in Western countries as Russians had in Bolshevik USSR.

Any attempt to demonize Western Whites for the actions of the Jewish power structure in Western countries is anti-White.

@Nature_and_Race A lot of people need to hear it!

And they need to throw it back every time somebody tries to equate Russian with Soviet and Whites with the crimes of ZOG.

Most people don’t understand but, America and Western Europe are (((Ethnocracies)))

You all live under a jewish ethnocracy.
Pathocratic politically, anatocistic and feudal economically, whose religion is negrophilia, culturally dysgenic and whose end goal is death with jews atop a mountain of skulls counting their shekels.

@Nature_and_Race I got into an argument with a feminist earlier today, she said "do you know how many White men are in our government??". I asked her "Have you looked at their names? They're really Jews pretending to be White. Schumer, Sanders, Levin, etc.". She refused to acknowledge it and stormed off. Why is it that people refuse to accept the truth, the understanding of the JQ is paramount to our survival.

@Nature_and_Race. The.more you become aware to all the Crimes against Humanity over the centuries due to these .demons.. You have to give the Germans much respect.for holding to the Aryan ideals and values carrying out the expulsion and relocation in an efficient and Humane.operation. Because all proofs them as an alien.invasive species who's actions threaten the Planet and continued Existence of life Itself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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