Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Document Hoax Lawsuit, which is the “Weaponization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, is yet another Scam against me, much like Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report (No Collusion!), Spying on my Campaign (and getting caught!), Lying to the FISA Court, Lying to Congress, Illegally Breaking into my home in Florida in violation of the Fourth Amendment, also violating the Presidential Records Act, and so much more. This is all being done in order to hurt a political opponent, me, who is leading in all of the polls by over 50 points against Republicans, and from 5 to 10 points against the two primary Democrats, Biden and North Korea Sympathizer Kamala Harris. They have been doing this to me for six years ever since my wonderful journey down the “Golden Escalator.” The Radical Left Democrats are out-of-control, and our Country is going to Hell!

@realdonaldtrump and the do-nothing Republicans do nothing because there is not two parties there’s only one the uniparty that seeks to destroy the United States as we know it.

@realdonaldtrump When you get back in, I hope you aren't so nice to all the people determined to ruin our Country.

@MKemry @realdonaldtrump If he gets back in, he'll sell even more poison vaxx shots to MAGA Americans, like the millions he already convinced to receive it.

@realdonaldtrump TRAITOR JOE and His DemonRats Comrades-in-arms are manipulator, exploiter, and oppressor!


@MasonCutlip @realdonaldtrump

Bolsheviks to the Left of me, Zionists to the Right.
Here I am.
Stuck in the middle with jews!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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