various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Because telling the truth about Jews is considered hate speech, or anti-Semitism as they like to call it.

How's that saying go?

Something like "The truth is called "hate" by those who hate the truth"...

Why do so many people have to apologize for true statements they make about jews?

( @Eleutheria3 )
@Nature_and_Race Modified another one:

"The jew will tell you what was said about them, but never why it was said."

( @Anna_Johansen )
@Nature_and_Race Or as someone said: an anti-semite is not someone who hate jews, but someone hated by jews.

( @OKAmerika )

NO ONE "has to apologize".
It is a CHOICE.

They do so out of weakness and cowardice, confirming everything the Jews think about them.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race Even the jew will go after their WMD if they go off the plantation. With that being said, I am tired of Whites defending these two monkey's because they don't see Whites any different than jews. To them we are all Whites.

( @Arasaka )
@Nature_and_Race Anti-sementism is the unavoidable byproduct of semitism. Proof: 109 countries, probably more by now.

( @HonestHistory )
@Nature_and_Race @BGKB



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