What shall an Atheist invoke? that life is meaningless & without purpose???..Nihilists of the Dung heaps!!!..haha
My life isn't meaningless.
I have given myself meaning. To write, to love, to find joy. My friends, my family, give me meaning. Their happiness, and the happiness of those I haven't met, give me meaning.
My life has so much meaning, so much purpose, that not a day goes by that I am not thankful to those who gave it to me. I don't tell them nearly enough.
I have a friend who is an admitted atheist. He knows what his meaning and purpose in life is. He is giving it his best and his all that his son will be good man. Guess what, the son is turning out to be like my friend. Both of them are good people.
On the other hand, I have this aunt. She's the one who who is early to church, last to leave, and sits in the front pew. Frankly, she's about the most vile person I have ever met. Her relationship with her kids are tentative at best.
This old canard again. PRATT.
Only someone who has been convinced to be a child forever, and tie him/herself to SkyGodDaddy's apron strings would find life meaningless without their imaginary relationship to their imaginary friend.
I invoke Bastet.
She is a Goddess of Egypt.
A certain river there. Ergo, Nile ist.
...oh, and you could never accuse her modern-day avatar Felicia of being gloomy . =^_^=
We're all going to die, that much is true. I don't see that it makes life meaningless or without purpose. It means you should do what you want, and particularly achieve what you want.
And you don't have to believe in the Unproveable for any of that.
Bastet was the goddess of moggies, I think that's cool.
WHY should an atheist invoke anything? We are responsible for our own actions, and have a duty to help others.
Life is precious, life is fun, life is aw-inspiring, life is love, family, friends. Life is everything.
You're the nihilists, Dung; life is nothing to you but an audition, a job-interview, a screening process.
“What shall an Atheist invoke?”
You mean like at Thanksgiving when i recite, “Good bread, good meat, good god, let’s eat”?
“that life is meaningless & without purpose???”
There’s no imposed purpose from a higher being, but that’s not the same as completely meaningless.
“Nihilists of the Dung heaps!!!..haha”
Dude, you’re the one who finds no meaning unless a supremely powerful being notices you. That’s pathetic, man.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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